
Tunjukkan catatan dari 2020

Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons.) in Unisel

           Hyep y'allz! Missed me? Sorry for haven't updating anything for almost 3 years. Biasa laa getting caught up with intern then habis intern focus on application for degree plak. Ingat nak cter experience time intern dulu but yuuchan ada technical problem which is my poor lappy rosak... But yuuchan still jawab any questions yang korang tanya at my blog. Love y'allz yang byk tanya pasal ptss and interested with accountancy. 💖💖💖     Anyway if I got time yuuchan cter pasal experience time intern dulu tapi since dah beberapa tahun berlalu there might be not much to talk about. Yuuchan pun intern at company akaun kecil-kecilan je bukan company audit. Okay enough with the ramblings back to the title. Getting degree in unisel!!! Okay y'allz must be wondering why pursue degree at unisel kan? Why not at uitm or unimap which is much better, right? Hmm, actually yuuchan kena seru balik study at selangor sbb tuu tak apply for unimap and my application for uitm got reject