Bachelor of Accountancy (Hons.) in Unisel


     Hyep y'allz! Missed me? Sorry for haven't updating anything for almost 3 years. Biasa laa getting caught up with intern then habis intern focus on application for degree plak. Ingat nak cter experience time intern dulu but yuuchan ada technical problem which is my poor lappy rosak... But yuuchan still jawab any questions yang korang tanya at my blog. Love y'allz yang byk tanya pasal ptss and interested with accountancy. 💖💖💖

    Anyway if I got time yuuchan cter pasal experience time intern dulu tapi since dah beberapa tahun berlalu there might be not much to talk about. Yuuchan pun intern at company akaun kecil-kecilan je bukan company audit. Okay enough with the ramblings back to the title. Getting degree in unisel!!! Okay y'allz must be wondering why pursue degree at unisel kan? Why not at uitm or unimap which is much better, right? Hmm, actually yuuchan kena seru balik study at selangor sbb tuu tak apply for unimap and my application for uitm got rejected 😭😭😭 not that my result is bad yuuchan still managed to get 3 pointer okay for my cgpa tapi dah tak ada rezeki nak buat macam mana...

    So degree akaun at unisel bagus ke tak? Well unisel might be one of private (half private) ipt yg offer degree akaun dgn yuran yang murah. Around RM39 190 (total yuran sept 2018 - sept 2022). Kalau korang nak yuran yang terkini or tengok courses apa yang unisel offered korang boleh tgk at website UniSel. Kalau korang nak tau korang boleh buat foundation for free (biasiswa) and straight away sambung degree at unisel untuk jimat masa muda korang. I wish I found out earlier 😩😩😩

    Mesti ada yang korang tertanya kan why sampai 4 years? Dah ada diploma pun still 4 years ke? Okay so biar yuuchan soalan nie. Tempoh 4 years tuu including internship, yeah even korang dah pernah intern time diploma dulu korang still kena intern lagi tak salah pun intern byk kali kumpul pengalaman kan? And since accountancy nie one of course yang dari bidang professional so agak memakan masa sikit. One of benefits degree acc at unisel nie korang boleh buat degree skali dgn ACCA which is dapat jimatkan masa and money. Sebab bila ambik at unisel dapat diskaun untuk ACCA. Even if korang tak nak sambung skali dgn ACCA pun boleh no worries. Nnti akan ada exemption untuk beberapa papers time korang nak ambik ACCA. Link nie ada cter pasal ACCA at unisel and program nie kelab yuuchan yang organized. Imma one of the committees *proud face*

    Next korang nak tau korang boleh transfer credit ke tak kan? Of course laa boleh! Kalau korang dah ada diploma and nak sambung degree korang boleh applied for credit exemption (CE) in the first year. korang kena applied cecepat tau klau dah masuk second year dah tak leh apply. Tapi since nie kos yang ada hubungkait dgn professional certified something so ada beberapa silibus yang dah update and korang takleh exempt. Mcm yuuchan dapat laa applied exemption untuk 5 subjects so jimat laa setahun. 

    Study at unisel nie nice sbb korang boleh susun jadual korang ikut citarasa korang. Untuk long sem korang boleh dftar max 6 subjects min 4 subjects kalau short sem max 3 subjects min 1 subjects. Since yuuchan taknak rushing so yuuchan ambik first sem je full 6 subjects and seterusnya yuuchan ambik 4-5 subjects je so still hbs within 4 years not 3 years. 

    Korang mesti nak tau subjects apa yang kena ambik kan? Since unisel ada short & long sem so agak byk laa sikit nak list.


  • Principles & Practices of Management
  • Technical English 1
  • Introduction to Financial Accounting 1
  • Business Mathematics
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Business statistics
  • Technical english 2 
  • Business Economics
  • Introduction to Financial Accounting 2 
  • Principles of Finance
  • MPU - Hubungan Etnik
  • MPU - Kemahiran Al-Quran
  • MPU - Social Work Skills
  • Islamic Management
  • Intermediate Financial Accounting 1
  • Cost Accounting 
  • Corporate Finance
  • Business Law
  • Computer Application For Business
  • MPU - Malaysian Legal System / Dakwah Islam diMalaysia
  • Company Laws & Secretarial Practices
  • Taxation 1
  • Management Science
  • Intermediate Financial Accounting 2 
  • MPU - Sports/Event Management/Community Services
  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Business Communication
  • International Business
  • Accounting Information System
  • Advanced Financial System
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Auditing
  • Taxation 2
  • Advanced Accounting Information System
  • Advanced Management Accounting
  • Strategic Management
  • Public Sector Accounting
  • Elective (Non Accounting)
  • Elective  (Accounting)
SEMESTER 9 & 10:
  • Industrial Training
  • Accounting Theory & Practice
  • Audit & Investigation
  • Integrated Case Study
  • Elective (Accounting)
  • Elective (Non Accounting)

    Untuk subjek elektif korang akan ada pilihan nak pilih subjek apa. Noworries study plan nie korang akan dapat time first sem daripada head of department (HOP) 

Kelab yuuchan UAC mmg aktif dgn pelbagai programdan always provide information mengenai akaun

yuuchan bersama ahli ajk yg lain tgh nk hias board kelab dkat kafe

antara lawatan yang dianjurkan oleh kelab UAC. Ini lawatan ke Malaysian Institute of Accountant (MIA)


  1. Hi. Saya tanya internship kerja untuk degree unisel cari dan beri kepada kamu atau kau cari sendiri

    1. Time degree at unisel yuuchan cari sendiri tempat intern... And sometimes akan ada a few internship opportunities lect uar² kan dalam gp course or intern...

    2. Kalau ambil short term berapa semester?

    3. Semua 11 sem tuu included short sem... So kiranya 4 tahun tuu klau ambik long sem and short sem... Rasanya klau taknak ambik short sem kena buat surat tangguh sem...

    4. Short term fee same or not?

    5. Short term fee lagi murah berbanding long term fee... And biasanya fees ikut berapa bnyak subjects ambik semester tuu and jenis subject either core or non core... Also makin naik sem yuran pun makin naik but still masih around total fees for the course jgk

    6. Boleh ke pilih 4 subjek sahaja untuk setiap sem? Subjek bukan elektif wajib kena pilih ke??

    7. Please share tips dapat first class

    8. Long sem blh pilih up to 6 subjects whereas short sem blh pilih up to 3-4 subjects... Non elective subjects wajib ambik jgk... Kiranya dalam list subjects atas tuu semua kena ambik... Just subjects elective blh pilih nak subjects apa... If tak ambik semua subjects according to study plan ada kemungkinan tak lepas grad sbb tak cukup credit hour... Utk tips first class tuu yuuchan tak berapa pasti sbb yuuchan tak grad first class hahaha tapi based on kawan yuuchan yg pandai² nie derang akan always buat notes, klau buat assignment derang always tanya lect... Out of class hour laa mcm time gap bfore next class derang pergi cari lect at office utk tanya anything...

  2. Bolehke degree holder in economi sumber alam dapat kerja finance,hr dan accountant?

    1. Utk soalan nie yuuchan tak pasti blh ke tak... Bergantung dgn employers jgk ada certain employers tak kisah degree apa pun cuma mungkin akan diutamakan lagi degree in finance, acc or hr bfore other degrees laa kot... Lagipun ramai je yg study bidang lain kerja bidang lain...

    2. Hostel fee berapa ye?

    3. Klau utk unisel BJ tak pasti berapa hostel fee tapi klau utk SA biasanya students sewa rumah sbb tak ada hostel... Pihak ipt ada provides list rumah sewa utk contact

  3. Kak sudah tamat belajar ke?saya dapat tawaran enviroment economy tapi minat kerja akaun. Saya berfikir untuk apply private(unisel)

    1. Yep baru saja tamat belajar dan bakal convo hujung tahun nie... Kalau ada rezeki utk sambung ipta lagi bagus tapi klau tak ada and nak sambung ipts mcm unisel okay cuma kena better dapat sponsor klau pama biasa² je... Blh je apply for ptptn tapi kena pandai manage laa duit dapat every sem sbb if tak pandai manage ada kemungkinan long sem nanti tak cukup duit bayar fees...

  4. boleh ke belajar secara online

    1. Rasanya skrg semua dah back to physical class tapi depends on lecturers sometimes ada yg buat online classes... Tapi for the whole semester or deg tuu online classes rasanya tak ada lagi dah skrg...


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